Krishna Yoga Studio Yarmouth, Yarmouthport, Cape Cod, MA Svaroopa yoga, Embodyment yoga therapy, Personal Inquiry Counseling, Introductory yoga, private and class instruction.
Choose the 4 wk. Bliss Program to jump start your practice or go deeper into your existing practice! This 4 week program is designed to bring you to a new experience of your self! Go deeper into an existing practice or as a new student, this program gives you a customized program to maximize your benefits in just 4 weeks! You will schedule 1/90 minute yoga class and 1/1 hour private session weekly. This program is for those looking for change! Take yourself to a whole new place in your body and your mind! It is the regularity of the program and the presence with which it is delivered that allows the experience of bliss to be realized. I've been so impressed by the results of this program with new students that I realized this program is a direct way to deepen an existing on-going practice. You won't be disappointed!